In the Dressing Room in Berlin

JUNE 7, 2005

Photo: T Shaw

JY takes home movies while I shoot stills. We're like tourists in our own dressing room. Todd found an ironing board and was going to tidy up some wrinkled stage clothing but was upstaged by Cindy Brusco who siezed the opportunity to get a buzz from the zen art of ironing (ever get there?)and took the iron away from Todd before he ever smoothed a single line.

Our friends Kansas were already on stage. Talk about feeling at home, seeing these boys backstage was great. They are from the same school of getting it done as we are, and boy do THEY get it done! They were as intense as ever and definitely had some fans walking away having bought the shirt AND the CD. Kansas ROCKS.

Click on a pic to see other pics and captions posted on this day.

Previously published on on or about the date mentioned.