View of My Room in Munich...
JUNE 26, 2005
It's our last day in Deutschland, and Munich is a scorcher. The bellman just brought me this fan to help with the air in my room. Still we had a beautiful drive from Stuttgart this morning in our air conditioned bus, seeing so many beautiful vistas it reminded me of the time Jeanne and I took my daughter Hannah to Big Sur on the California coast. It was during the migration of whales and if you stopped anywhere along the PCH you could see one whale spout after another if you kept your eyes trained on the water below towards the horizon. Spectacular, breathtaking and something you never forget. Still after stopping more times than I can remember, there came a point where we laughed and agreed, "We can't look at any more whales!" Germany has overloaded our senses with her beauty. Our necks are sore from turning to look at one picturesque scene after another. If you've never been here, you owe it to yourself to make the visit someday. Not only for the countryside and historic urban centers, but the warmth of the people and their culture, so comfortable for Americans to be a part of while here. And let's not forget the food! Okay, my two hours of Wi-Fi are almost up, so I'd better post this. Thank you Germany for your enthusiastic hospitality for us and our music. TS |